Baking is a faboulus way to celebrate season . different season bring different flavors and smells here why these treats are ideal for each seasons .
SUMMER : COOLING AND HYDRATING : summer is warm and sunny so baked so light and fruity, summer is the season of fruits , berries melons for example icebox cakes , blueberry ice box cakes , fruit galettes , ice cream sandwich , this is so soft cookie filled with cold ice cream and this is a perfect for summer season these can be lighter and and these made with less sugar and lighter to eat in summer .
WINTER ; RICH AND COZY SEASON : winter is the perfect season for chocolate , brownies , hot chocolate . winter is the season of rich , cozy, cream , nuts , spiced doughs and chocolaty baked food that brings joy and happiness and as the temperature drops , we crave hot , spicy and baked foods that are creamy , full deep with chocolate , hot brownies and croissant filled with melted chocolate , and soft garlic bread , cheesey sandwich , and drizzle cakes etc
SPRING : SPRING IS A SEASON OF FRESHNESS , COLOR , FRUITY AND LIGHT FLAVORS .this is the perfect time to craving for fruity type of foods and this seasons brings fresh fruits like strawberries tart with crispy crust , lemon cake ,light vanilla spongy cake orange juice , and raspberries .spring is the also time for celebration , from easter and family together season . this season is for baker bakery is place of freshness , happiness and joy
HUMIDITY : flour and dought if the air is humid and flour absorbs moisture and sugar absorbs moisture , more moisture means cakes and bread take longer time to bake making dought sticky and it is harder to handle
WARM WEATHER : In warm weather yeast grow very easily so dought rises quickly and butter meltls fast , making dought so soft .
COLD WEATHER : in cold weather yeast slows down and dought takes longer to rise . butter stays hards and tought to mix into dought .
DRY WEATHER : In dry season flour loses moisture , sugar stays dry , making dought crumbly , need to more liquids
Each season change the air which affect your baking . Used fresh ingredients like seasonal fruits and spices , fresh dought ,fresh goods to taste better Store flour and sugar properly and Keep baked goods in airtight containers . baking is a art and creative joyful activity .